What is PERC and How Do I Get Involved?
PERC (Parents and Educators Raising our Community) began at a PTO Presidents Meeting. The issue of underage drinking in our community was being discussed and parents at the meeting decided that education would be the key to addressing the issue. PERC has been bringing together parents, students, educators, civic leaders and business professionals since 2004 to provide education designed to keep our community's youth safe and healthy. Underage drinking, Internet safety, bullying and eating disorders are some of the topics which have been presented. Each building's PTO typically has a PERC representative on the board. Dublin City Schools, Nationwide Children's Hospital, Syntero, and City Council are some of the groups who work with parents to support PERC's efforts.
When and where are PERC Committee Meetings?
PERC Committee Meetings are held at 9:30AM on the third Wednesday of each month of the school year. Meetings are held at Emerald Campus at 5175 Emerald Parkway. Anyone from the community with an interest in PERC is welcome to attend. At the meetings, we discuss and plan upcoming programs.
Who should attend the PERC Programs?
All programs are open to the entire community and are free of charge. The suggested audience is anyone interested in parenting and education which relates to the health and safety of our youth.
How does PERC raise money to pay for the speakers who come to Dublin?
We are fortunate that our PTOs provide PERC with financial support. We are very grateful for the ongoing support of our PTOs, Dublin City Schools and Dublin ACT Coalition (Adolescents and Community Together) who has provided PERC with financial assistance since 2011! Anyone who would like to donate to PERC may do so by sending a check to the following address: PERC 5175 Emerald Parkway, Dublin, OH 43017.